Thursday, September 26, 2019
Royal Olympic Athens Hotel

About the Forum

It is the 6th year that presents the Investments Forum, bringing together top minds and professionals within the investment industry of Europe in order to help investors make most of their investment management decisions.

The conference will provide a comprehensive networking platform for businessmen, wealthy investors, professional investors & advisors and meanwhile it will deliver knowledge updates from leading industry professionals locally and abroad.

The forum will focus on the global macro-dynamics and investments while taking a closer look at some specialized issues.

  • More specifically, the topics that will be discussed are the following ones:
  • Impact investing is the next evolution of responsible and sustainable investments. What are the objectives and the constraints for such type of investments within private markets?
  • What are the social and environmental benefits of such investments? Are investors gaining less return for the same type of risk?
  • Can private debt provide an excess return as well as downside protection and diversification benefits at different levels of credit risk? If so, how?
  • As investors regain confidence, it is more important than ever to cut through the noise and focus on company fundamentals. What is the global outlook and how on-the-ground research remains vital especially in fast-evolving markets, such as China A-shares?
  • What is the future of money? How Central Banks, Retail Banks, Governments and their constituents could be affected with digital money/cryptocurrencies? Identify the Universal Currency that will lead the way on the 21st Century.
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